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‘Memory was shock’s antidote’

New @ Full Comment: New Yorker/Naomi Klein reax.


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Comments (8)

It's not poor Naomi's fault (I refuse to sully the other prominent holder of her last name by using it): if in 2012 Alan Keyes managed to win the Republican nomination she'd pen an article about how distasteful it is for a major party to hide its radical agenda by cynically nominating a black man to be its standard-bearer.

You think there are only two famous people in the world named Klein?


Think of the kids!!! (Calvin Klein)

I think he's already legally changed his name to "CK"


Joe Klein the journalist?

Lord Bob:

"I think he's already legally changed his name to "CK""

That is his name, isn't it? It's written all over his underwear.


Well, she undeniably made a lot of money, and her ideas managed to filter into leftist side the general conspiracy mania - though I think more inderectly, via the blogosphere, than by actual readership.

One thing that both wings of conspiritards seem to share in common is an aversion to reading anything longer than about two paragraphs, unless it's the subtitles from an anonymous youtube video.


Hey, Cosh, I read the same article thinking the same thing: she's incoherent and adolescent, but in her world that's what actually counts as political philosophy. Anything more coherent and she'd be a sell out.

The other gleaning from the article: neither her or her douchebag husband have ever actually *rebelled*. A moody, self-indulgent (and indulged) adolescence does not a good old-fashioned late-teenage rebellion make. I don't see any real analysis and questioning there, which is weird for two people so famous for questioning...


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