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Hey Megapundit fans!

The master summarizer of Maclean's, laid off by Rogers as the ripples spread from the boss man's death spasm, has been picked up by Canada's finest and fastest-growing news commentary site. Change your bookmarks!


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Comments (2)

M. Grégoire:

About the QS:

That's my riding, Mercier, in the Plateau-Mont-Royal neighbourhood. The Québec solidaire aren't actually super-duper separatists. No, if you're a person who thinks the PQ are not separatist enough, you vote for the Parti indépendantiste; the QS are for people who think the PQ are not left-wing enough.

And Gilles Duceppe is my MP.

Who do I vote for if I think they're not infuriatingly coy and cynical enough?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 8, 2008 10:56 PM.

The previous post in this blog was ‘Memory was shock’s antidote’.

The next post in this blog is @FullComment: The Pulitzer board gets one right.

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