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Sympathie pour le diable

For once, a timely Colby Cosh article about the hot news of the hour: on Full Comment, I explain why Stéphane Dion and Steve Murphy had so much trouble making themselves understood to each other, and help you decide what to make of it. (See below for context!)

Comments (5)

Poutine Putin:

I'm waiting for an authoritative opinion from Gilles Duceppe.

Paul from Florida:

Jesus the male gene pool is getting shallow. This metro is running for something? A clerkship or something?

George Skinner:

As somebody who was a strong student in many subjects but found French to be more difficult, I'm receptive to your argument. I'm unconvinced that Mr. Dion didn't understand the question, though, especially after having it explained to him by a staffer. He simply didn't appear to have an answer. To a certain degree, I'd say that's to his credit. I think an impartial observer would concede that there's not much a prime minister could have done that Mr. Harper didn't do. It reflects poorly on Mr. Dion's abilities as a politician that he didn't spin the question into a critique of Harper's government - point to policies that the Conservatives have floated in the past (bank mergers, foreign investment policies, etc.) that if implemented, could have made matters worse. Then Mr. Dion could've claimed that it was Liberal opposition to such policies that ensured Harper stayed on a prudent course.


I always gave Dion enough credit to assume that he probably made a lot more sense in french than in english.

After watching two different english dubs of the french language debate, and reading a transcript in english, I was forced to conclude that Mr. Dion doesn't make sense in any language.

Unfortunately, it seems that all southern ontario needed to hear was "Bush. Mulroney. Reform." before diving back into the arms of the Liberal dynasty.

It seems inevitable that we're going to wind up with virtually the same parliament that we just left behind.

Sometimes I feel like I should just pack up and leave this sadsack country, and go someplace where people have more pride in their nation. Like Lithuania, maybe, or Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan might have to be your call. While Cosh is busy theorizing that Carter II is about to be crowned in the Etates-Unis, its looking more and more to my eyes like they are foolishly poised to elevating Trudeau II, and if that happens then one of the last relatively safe refuges on the planet will be stolen away from us.


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