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Sure, maybe he's no Horace H. Lurton

CBS News just described Justice Antonin Scalia as "one of the best writers on the [U.S. Supreme Court] panel". How about that? One of the best. Don't crawl out too far on that limb, guys. I didn't watch the segment on the Israeli Air Force; did they perhaps describe it as "one of the more significant agglomerations of aviation know-how in the Middle Eastern region"?


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Comments (7)

Devin McCullen:

I'm sure you're proud to be among the top Edmonton-based conservative political/hockey/baseball bloggers.

Paul Wells:

I've always found 60 minutes to be one of the finest Sunday-evening current-affairs shows.

I really admire that Mike Wallace, he's one of the few working centenarians in television journalism.


Well, as one of the leading internet trolls with three-character handles, let me just say: I did not seek this honour, it was thrust upon me...


Boy - coming to this really late (my lame excuse - new 'puter, and I haven't bothered to update my home page). Anyhoo...

There used to be a restaurant in North Vancouver called "The Seven Seas" housed in an old ship docked at the foot of Lonsdale. The restaurant proudly advertized itself as:

"Probably one of the finest family-owned floating seafood restaurants in Canada."

Well, who could argue?


Boy - coming to this really late (my lame excuse - new 'puter, and I haven't bothered to update my home page). Anyhoo...

There used to be a restaurant in North Vancouver called "The Seven Seas" housed in an old ship docked at the foot of Lonsdale. The restaurant proudly advertized itself as:

"Probably one of the finest family-owned floating seafood restaurants in Canada."

Well, who could argue?





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