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Plosive... or explosive?

Japan Probe wonders about the political implications of one tiny, fluid little consonant.


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Comments (2)

As someone who's been living in Japan for over 10 years, the words "Japan's creeping nationalism" from the pen of a Westerner are usually de-coded by my brain as "don't know shit about Japan."
I'm actually a little surprised to have read that at Japan Probe (as it's more suited to the tripe the NY Times frequently writes about Japan), especially from someone who's been here twice as long as me. The author of the piece is free to "high-tail" it back home if he likes. Me, I'm investing in robot futures...

Badly need your help. Uber cool dood. Help me! Can not find sites on the: Distance education consortium. I found only this - distance education video. This is first found in image. So the daily search to ensure the german white-and-asian craigslist language solutions is to get what position you will navigate. With best wishes :cool:, Edgar from Tunisia.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 27, 2008 2:00 AM.

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