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Yesterday's Tomorrow

In his time, the TV talk-show host Tom Snyder was a respected figure who was nonetheless thought to be trying a little too hard to be hip. These nicotine-saturated clips from a 1976 Tomorrow episode devoted to the burgeoning phenomenon of Star Trek conventions make him seem so exotic and macho, you’d think he could beat up Charlie Rose and impregnate Oprah in ten minutes without setting down his beer. Harlan Ellison fans won’t want to miss a characteristic cameo by their favourite poison dwarf, who defecates all over Star Trek for the unforgivable crime of ensuring his immortality. Not that he says one thing I disagree with…


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Comments (4)


Cosh, You're not wrong about this, but there's no way you're old enough to remember it. Who clued you in?

I've read a lot of books about television.

The Real Man's Guide to Life in 1981 published a Real Man's TV-watching schedule: after watching Rat Patrol reruns, Real Men tuned in to see Tom Snyder interview The Clash.


I remember when Johnny Rotten pissed him off. It was adorable.


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