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World press: Deal or no deal? Uh, deal, actually

A few news stories from hither and thither:

Berlusconi's acquisition of gameshow juggernaut Endemol creates an awkward situation for Italy's RAI
A Zambian charlatan's AIDS cure turns out to be a swimming-pool disinfectant
In France, the Sarkozy family is royalty: in Slovakia, the Sarközy family is a clan of gypsies living in constant terror of nighttime assaults
A Norwegian journalist is sued by the subject of her runaway bestseller, The Bookseller of Kabul
Has the G8 outlived its usefulness? Former French president Giscard d'Estaing thinks so
A politician's Tienanmen denial threatens to boost turnout at HK's annual observance of the massacre
Uh-oh: the absurdist debate over what to call the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia threatens to trigger an early election in Greece
Is the next Chernobyl slowly rusting away in Kola, just miles from the Norwegian border and a day's drive from the peninsular mainland of Europe?


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I was wondering about that logo that you used to use when posting a world news roundup. There was some sort of trivia contest about the origin of the graphic and I donĀ“t ever recall seeing an answer.

(It was a green and blue logo, my best guess was that it represented some sort of ancient atlas of the globe)


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