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WS: Recent pieces of note

Thanks to everyone who has sent feedback and advice on the look and feel of this new front end over the past 24 hours. As Zero Hour for the changeover approaches, rest assured that suggestions are appreciated even if they're not immediately adopted.

Here's some of the most interesting stuff I've been producing for the Western Standard lately [registration required]: some excerpts from the oldest surviving hockey book, a rundown on a fascinating new idea in conservation biology, an account of baseball's most entertaining ongoing feud, and a look at the potentially controversial new direction in which one of Canada's most famous scientists is taking her work.

As a bonus, here's a new Hugo Chavez thread that I started today at FullComment.com; be sure and check out the comments.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 28, 2007 5:45 PM.

The previous post in this blog was @FullComment.com: Good luck and bad.

The next post in this blog is More sample content: top 10 porn names amongst major-league ballplayers.

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