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That's the sound of your brain imploding

Sorry I haven't been tending to the site very carefully, friends. I started having headaches right around the beginning of the month and the process ended with a trip to the emergency room and a few days of confinement and monitoring at the U of Alberta Hospital. I'm now home, well, and having my blood pressure managed; there aren't believed to be any lasting ill effects from my emergency. Aside from the lycanthropy, of course.


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Comments (21)

Ouch. Glad to hear you're doing better.


Sorry to hear you were sidelined. Glad you're back in the game. Topics I'd like you to discuss in order of importance:

1) http://www.portfolio.com/news-markets/national-news/portfolio/2008/11/11/The-End-of-Wall-Streets-Boom?print=true

2) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20081114.YOUTH14/TPStory/National

3) why the oilers underachieve to the extent that they do

4) the movement from multiculturalism to pluralism in Canada.

that is all


Be well.

I really don't have much to say about the Michael Lewis piece except that it's a must-read, along with his earlier "Let the Heads Roll" (and pretty much anything else you can find about David Einhorn).

Wow! Glad to hear you're okay. Perhaps a bloodletting would help?

It's a pretty subtle operation to persuade the body to let go of excess fluid. Sadly, one cannot simply go in through the neck.


Twenty minutes a day of light strength and aerobic training, Colby - some 10 or 15 lb dumbells and some powerwalking, that's all it takes, and before you knew it you'd be melting off the butter like a microwave.

Let this be a wake-up call. I don't want to be reading about the untimely death of my favorite western columnist. Think of the cats!


Colby, glad to hear you are well. Take care of yourself.



Trephination my friend, trephination

Everybody knows trephination opens the portal to the elder gods whose children were cannibalized by homo sapiens. Some secrets were meant to stay that way.


Rest easy Colby. Get on those topics will you!


I'm going to have to go ahead and agree with the concensus that some sort of radical humoral therapy is required here.


Don't be afraid of those elder gods, Mr. Cosh. Their mothers smelled of elder berries.

And I think I speak for many fans when I say I'm glad you're well.


I've hired a troupe of actors to go to your place and sing the "Get Well, Get Well Soon" song from Seinfeld.

If that doesn't fight off headaches, nothing will!


I suppose a good number of full-throated Palin supporters are feeling a little under the weather these days.

Garth Wood:


Why?  Far as I can tell, she's more popular now than when she was running for VP.



Glad you're feeling OK, Colby. Best wishes.

Half Canadian:

I was looking for a paypal button. You need help with those medical bills? /snark

Half Canadian:

I was looking for a paypal button. You need help with those medical bills? /snark

Lord Bob:

And here I was worried that Cosh was the one the government traded to get Melissa Fung back.

Get well soon!


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