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From rewrite to rebar

Heraldic dolphin [hauriant]Former newspaper columnist and editor Ric Dolphin has started a weblog about his current "sabbatical" as a carpenter's helper on a building site in the suburbs of Edmonton. Although his first foray as an adult into the world of semi-skilled labour comes at the end of a string of professional misadventures, it's hard for me to know how sorry to feel for Ric—I have a sneaking suspicion he'll earn about 75% more than I will this year.

His experience, which he is recounting with all the colour, vigour, and (above all) observational ability he used to bring to the editorial page, provides a window into the economics of Alberta's energy boom: if you know which end of a hammer to hit with, or you can learn in under an hour, there's a job for you here. He has decided to live inside this news story for a while instead of just telling it. Don't let them tell you the New Journalism is dead!


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Comments (2)


Heh, I can smell that job site. I've been there. Humility is good for the mind.

M. Grégoire:

Colby, we love you as a writer, but if you want to swing hammer instead, we'd understand.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2008 4:15 PM.

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The next post in this blog is 'I don't wanna do anything ever again.'.

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