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NP: Where ignorant armies clash by night

Today’s National Post contains a new column from me that examines the latest wrinkle in Quebec’s “reasonable accommodation” debate. And did you check out last week’s, which was full of surprising data from a new cross-border study of Canadian and American healthcare?


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Comments (1)

On the issue of reasonable accommodation (RA), there's been a lot of stuff said by the public and others. In Québec, in particular, people are driven by their need to protect their French language and culture, which is why anti-RA feelings are running especially high.

But it's not only in Québec. Poll after poll has found recently that a clear majority of Canadians want full integration of newcomers -- even to the point where a majority of Canadians want the American melting pot, instead of Canada's multiculturalism.

I think it's time that this majority opinion be respected by government and that the necessary measures be taken.

I personally welcome any newcomer provided he becomes a productive member of our society and works towards our goals, and not those of the "old country".

As Don Martin wrote in a column several months ago, Canada must come first; the old country second.


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