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Too many kooks

The start of classes is right around the corner—does anybody know if UVic’s “latter-day Socrates” and UBC’s “wonderful weirdo” ever got their act together? It seems to me they could just swap campuses and get a fresh start on bullying and haranguing a whole new group of undergraduates.


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Only to unintentionally ram the point home that he is a maniac, Burns, the UBC kook, then goes off on a tear in the comments at the Ubyssey article. Classic

As a UVic-ite myself, I would just like to say that if Socrates was as much of a greasy, filthy hobo as this fellow, my esteem for the majesty and philosophical beauty of ancient Greece just fell about ten billion percent. It's as if somebody told me Julius Caesar was basically a secretary who ended up with a couple legions through a series of comic foibles somehow involving Steve Martin and Kevin Kline.


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