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WS: Recent pieces of note

If you feel like jumping through a low registration hoop you can read some of the articles I’ve been producing recently for the Western Standard. Here’s a June piece about the unexpected tension between ethanol and communism; a rumination on whether it’s always better for athletes to live in nicer cities; a look at the Ottawa Senators on the eve of the Stanley Cup finals that highlights an underrated reason for their success; and a couple of case studies in how trial lawyers are expanding the definition of an “accident.”


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Elsewhere she notes that the lifetime rate of major head trauma, about five per cent among the general public, approaches one hundred per cent in some studies of U.S. death-row inmates.

This little snippet in the "biology and crime" article sure rings painfully true in the weeks following Chris Benoit, doesn't it?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2007 1:49 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Lowe blow.

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