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NP: The Sens are dead. Long live the Sens

Old Sens logoAt the Full Comment site, there's a preview of my 500-word editorial on the occasion of the Ottawa Senators' defeat in the Stanley Cup final. I've noticed that my work these days divides neatly into the three Freudian categories of the psychic self. Writing editorials is inherently something of a superego exercise; the pieces lack an individual byline in print (though we are experimenting with identifying authors online sometimes, as in the case of this Senators piece), and the voice one adopts in writing them is, as a matter of policy, guided by the conscience and worldview of "the newspaper" rather than any particular individual. If you had to explain to somebody how a superego supposedly works, you couldn't possibly find a better practical example. By contrast, signed columns are expressions of the lone man's reasoning Freudian ego, and weblog entries, often written in haste and representing immediate reactions to phenomena, clearly have more of the nature of the id. Though in the case of the Ducks' Stanley Cup victory, my id has already been spoken for perfectly over at Covered in Oil.

Don't miss my other recent posts at Full Comment: on Wednesday I highlighted an underreported story about a black celebrity's air-security nightmare, and today I bestowed surprise praise on a rival member of the commentariat.


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There's always curling...


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