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Gravy on the side

Here's a weekend special for fans of the Howard Stern Show on Sirius Satellite Radio: a 1991 CBC News feature on poutine, the national taste treat of Quebec, which was then only just becoming familiar to the rest of Canada. It's reported by a younger version of Stern's investigative pit bull, Steve Langford, so if you've been wondering whether Langford was for real or just some super-intense, Andy Kaufman-like comic genius, you need wonder no more.

What's most priceless about the poutine mini-documentary is how little Langford's style has changed as senior reporter for the Howard 100 News, which Stern created for his Sirius channels as a means of filling airtime and counterattacking/satirizing a journalism profession that has been notoriously careless about its coverage of him for the past 25 years. In the 1991 video the young Langford seems a little less earnest than he is today about probing the legal problems of Wack Packers and the opacities of American Idol voting. But the part where he tries to ambush the late premier Robert Bourassa about his culinary preferences could have been shot yesterday: Stern has him pretty much doing the same schtick in places like the UN building, and he never ever breaks kayfabe.


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Comments (5)

Seeing the word "kayfabe" in this post just made my day.


Wow. I fully expect tomorrow's show to start with "Some guy in Canada sent me something featuring our own Steve Langford..."

I love that the thing's 9 minutes long. Where did CBC find time to air it? How long was the rough cut? 45 minutes? They should have devoted a whole episode of the Fifth Estate to this.

Langford's manic ten-minute rant about how poutine is "the toxic trough-fodder of choice in Canada's nursery of treason" was edited out for the final version.

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