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Benoitballs of the day

From today's Edmonton Sun:

Chris Benoit's family is fighting to come to terms with not only his death, but also the untimely demise of their daughter-in-law and grandchild, said the wrestler's father yesterday. An angry Michael Benoit shot back at the press for the family having to face a constant barrage of media coverage on the double murder-suicide. ...The negative portrayal of his son in the press has caused nothing but heartache for the family, including two of Benoit's children. "It's people looking for their 15 minutes of fame," said a disgusted Michael from his Ardrossan-area home.

I guess some of you probably think it would be unkind to call the grieving Michael Benoit a fool for suggesting that the media should not have covered his celebrity son's murder of his wife and disabled child, and that if they were to cover it, the reportage shouldn't include a "negative portrayal" of the murderer.

But I ask you, why should Michael Benoit be grieving? While other parents were encouraging their children to go for higher education, he was turning his boy over to be schooled in the Hart family "dungeon." I'm not much younger than Chris Benoit, and the wrestling game's propensity for premature death was well understood to my friends and I in high school. Journalism ethics lecturer Michael Benoit allowed his son to enter a profession in which essentially nobody lives to be 50. Chris killed himself on, or immediately after, his 40th birthday. Aside from the extravagant manner of his death, didn't Dad see any of this coming? He didn't think anything was strange about his child's physical transformation into a giant pink vein-streaked boulder?

Perhaps the journalists who were ultimately responsible for every single tiny step forward in his son's show business career are entitled to ask whether Chris's life in wrestling paid for the car his father drives, the home in which he lives, year after year of golf clubs and cufflinks and big-screen TVs for Christmas... but then, even if none of this came with the deal Mr. Benoit signed, you can't put a price on being the father of a superstar. At least not in dollars.


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Comments (9)


We're outta touch with the wrasslin' market down here in Lotusland, where it's all about celebuntants. Can someone describe or link the "Hart family dungeon"?

Paris trained here: http://urltea.com/vps

PS_ Cosh made this story interesting


I think the elder Benoit's comments reveal the frustration he feels over his inability to shield Chris Benoit's surviving children, who are still in their teens, from this horror.

All the interviews of Chris Benoit I've seen and read indicate that professional wrestling was his dream since he was a young kid. How could Micheal Benoit prevent his son from following his dream once Chris turned 18?

I should think Micheal Benoit couldn't help but notice the physical changes in his son. Anyone watching a decade-old WCW match involving Benoit would notice the difference. He may have voiced his concerns to Chris but what could the father really do?

I guess that's the difference between us. Michael Benoit has plenty of advice for journalists on how to edit a newspaper and handle a difficult story: I have very little to offer on parenting.


Personally, I think that if professional wrestling was his dream since he was a young kid, that indicates a pretty sad failure of parenting right there. I certainly feel sorry for Michael Benoit, given the magnitude of his loss, but for once, it's not the media's fault.


I am sorry, but that was harsh. He is greiving and he is at a loss. I cannot help but to wince when reading this post.


steroid-fuelled, uber-narcissistic, sociopathic freak murders wife and (try imagine how this stuck in his craw) less-than-perfect offspring...

how exactly does one portray that in a positive light?



Check out 'wrestling with shadows' this shows the dungeon in the hart home, wwe drug test is an obvious joke, with wrestlers being forewarned as to testing days,

Francine Goodroe:

Holy cow! What a bunch of flaming JERKS so freely beating a father who is all ready down, never a chance to talk with his son, no longer able to hug his daughter in law, and to hold his grandson, I am pretty sure Chris had a mother, call me a scholar! But I believe he has a momma, too. As well as her family. People seem to apply exlax to the opposite end of their anatomy, because nothing but poop is coming out of the other end! Meanwhile, Not a single person is asking about the xanax in his body, along with a pain reliever. No one realizes how dangerous these mind altering drugs are. We KNOW what went through Chris's mind, and I can almost guarantee, in his unclouded mind, never would he have done what he is accused of, NOTICE I stated ACCUSED OF. Okay There were beer cans in the waste basket, there was a wine bottle by him where he was hung. Then we have someone who reported his wife's death 10 hours before even the first policeman walked into his house. There was NO trace of alcohol in his system??? Couldn't they fingerprint the damned bottle and cans? BACK to the XANEX. FROM INSIDE EXPERIENCE, my husband and I went through a living hell. He was perfect to everyone on the outside, they saw a quiet man who smiled but at home, he was a different man. My doctor told me to flee, my nurse told me to flee, as they knew what was happening. He smashed his truck with his fists and a ladder, he flung through the windshield. All I could do was ask "When will that be happening to me?" His rage went on, but at least thankful to God he heard my question. He calmed himself down, he decided to get off the xanex. A few weeks later, he said to me now that the fog over his head is gone, he said never in his lifetime did he ever think he was capable of such destruction, he never felt rage like that before. I think doctors are tired of trying to tell us what to do with ourselves, and it always fell on deaf ears, so they gave us prozac, xanex, all sorts of mind altering drugs, so those pills are like putting a bandaid on an amputation. THE DIFFERENCE between xanex and an illegal drug is the dealers who give them to us. Some stand on street corners, and some we go to a fine office to get our drugs from. They are doing more damage than helping us, but no one wants to see this with their eyes. I want each and everyone of us to ask the elders in their families, or in their churches, ask them if when they were growing up, were there pills to alter our minds? If they were down and depressed, ask how they dealt with it? They will tell you, we dust off our britches and we get up and figure out what we needed to do, as idle hands are the work of the devil, and idle hands do NOT bring money in or food on their tables. Everyone you talk to today is either ADHD, ADD, BIPOLAR, Chronic depressed, Jeez! Our elders would ask, "Who said we were supposed to be entertained by others? Who is supposed to be feeding us, but ourselves? No one needed pills or shots to make them feel better. There needs to be an advocate who will speak out on behalf of Chris, behalf of others as well as Chris. I did not personally know him, but watching the shows each week, we feel they were a part of our families, too. Every day I say my Rosary, at least twice a day, and I ask the Blessed Mother Mary and I ask her to bring my petition to her Son, and I pray the angels surround everyone, from both families as well as their friends. Surround them all with angel hugs, and heal Chris and his wife and son, filling them with God's Glory and love. I know I wrote a lot, but this needs to be said. Now Angel hugs to everyone, and for those who use this forum to make themselves feel better while running their mouths about what they have no clue of, God bless them and forgive them.

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